Born in Paris in 1993, Josephine Segond studies graphic design and visual communications. One day, during a class, she learns how to edit and produce special effects on green screen, and decides to make it her specialty. During her communication studies, she produces various videos for the projects she presents. She graduates in Interactive Design from Gobelins – l’École de l’image in 2018.

During her first professional experiences, she works for the association LaToileBlanche, which produces short documentaries in association with young people far from employment, in the Paris suburbs. She cuts her teeth directing several programs, from writing to editing and post-production: ‘Panache’, a program about the actors of the social and solidarity economy, and ‘Espoirs’, a program representing young athletes whose dream is to take part in the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. At the same time, she continues to work as a graphic designer and produces personal video projects.

In 2019, she begins working for Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac in Paris, in a key position in iconography. She supervises shoots for exhibitions and for individual works.

In 2021, she becomes videographer on a Ponant cruise ship that crosses the Mediterranean Sea, through Corsica, Italy, Greece, Egypt and Jordan. She learns to frame and capture the quality of a moment with her lens, sometimes in difficult conditions. Every evening, she edits a 10-minute video recapping the day, with the aim of producing a 1-hour video every week.

In 2022, she begins working for a tech company, Ippon Technologies, producing some sixty corporate videos in less than a year. This experience enables her to deepen her knowledge of interview technique and to work on filmic writing more finely than before. She is mentored by Stéphane David, founder of Spivod Media and Director of Communications at the French Judo Federation, who gives her a structure and writing processes.

Her interest in documentary filmmaking and the visual arts in general gives her the impetus to launch her own career as a director. With ‘Komorebi’, her first documentary film, Joséphine Segond aims to explore the path of Zen in traditional Japan.

Today, Josephine is committed to proposing creative concepts and imagining quality films in various fields, as an independent. She is a member of Addoc (Association of Documentary filmmakers).